Harnessing the power of your people to transform your organisation
Hello. We’re a culture development agency. We are experts in people, purpose and culture. We help organisations discover, develop and sustain a culture that is people powered, innovative and meaningful.
- We should be ashamed that 70% of people go to work every day and don’t like their job. And we’re very slow learners. Aristotle said “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work”. That was 384BC!
Garry Ridge CEO/Chair WD-40 Company speaking to The Power Of Us
- We are witnessing the emergence of ordinary people working together to solve big problems.
David Price OBE
- Cultural development is the ongoing nurturing of a conscious culture.
Leanne Hamley from the Power Of Us
- (The impact of) The Power of Us survey has been immediate, with leaders evaluating and evolving their practice to a remarkable degree. We are now commissioning annually to ensure that this level of continuous improvement becomes an entrenched habit. Brilliant. Do it and watch all the lights go on.
CEO, Watergrove Trust
- The Power Of Us is the closest thing we’re going to get to a single handbook or guidebook of all of the things that we need to do and consider as organisations and leaders if we are going to be successful in navigating the ambiguity that lies ahead
Dave Coplin, The Rise Of The Humans
- Cultural challenges have an unreasonable habit of not going away, just because you ignored them.
The Power Of Us Toolkit
- You are not the leader anymore. Your people are.
The Equity Effect, Sparks & Honey
Our promise to you
Because too often you’ve probably felt that your organisation’s name has been pasted into a report that could have been written for anyone.
We will work with you to develop your organisation’s unique culture, united by our desire to create environments that harness the collective intelligence of your people, promote equality, diversity and foster ‘people-powered innovation‘.
What we WON’T do:
- We won’t promise revolution overnight.
- Put you in a box.
- Be all things to all people.
- Sheep dip.
- Use style over substance.
What we WILL do:
- Help you create sustainable change.
- Help you understand what “great” looks like for your organisation.
- Help you identify your personal and organisation barriers to cultural development.
- Help you identify a clear path forward together.
“Nobody ever washes a hire car”
How others work
Culture is MANDATED
How we work
Culture is OWNED
That’s what we do. If you want to know how we do it, click here
Inspired by the Amazon best selling business book, “The Power Of Us: How We Connect, Act, And Innovate Together”